Поуп Фаргелл Рауль

Поуп Фаргелл Рауль

  • Должность
    Учитель английского языка
  • Педагогический стаж
    10 лет
«Students today are the future and the world they’ll inhabit is still unknown. Education today, therefore, isn’t about providing students with the answers for today, but equipping students with the skills they need to find the answers to tomorrow’s questions. English is a vehicle to question ideas, to try out hypotheses, to debate, to laugh, to share, and to create. Building a culture of cooperation and a can-do attitude is my role as a teacher and students who try will never fail because from failure, we often learn more than from success»
Профессиональные курсы, сертификаты, достижения:

  • Сертификаты CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)


  • Портсмутский университет – Лингвистика и преподавание английского, магистратура